Sunday, January 2, 2011

Can u Have No arms and No Legs and Still Be Happy?

"I Love Living Life. I am Happy." These are words coming from a man who nether has arms nor legs. Hard to believe? It's true! Yes folks, Say hello to Nick Vujicic.

All of us have times in our lives when we feel very low and miserable and wonder why we even continue to live. Feelings like these have pushed many to end their life. When i was feeling particularly low one day, I decided to go online and see if there was something that would brighten my mood. While I was in the process of checking out my mailbox, I saw a writeup from the "Inspiration by God" Newsletter. The writeup carried a link to a video about a Serbian guy called Nick Vujicic. Nick was born without arms and legs but God did give him two small feet. What's more, one of the feet has two toes. In spite of his disability, Nick learnt to comb his hair, answer the phone, play drum pedals and golf, shave, brush his teeth, and use a computer.

My outlook totally changed after watching that video. I realized that there are so many people out there who might have been in a worse situation than myself and yet emerged happier and stronger than before. I'm talking about people like Nick Vujicic who realize that life is not about what you don't have but about how you make the most out of what you have. It is about how you defy odds to become the best person you can be.

You can read more about Nick Vujicic from Wikipedia You shouldn't be surprised to know that this inspirational 28 year old has a double major in Accounting and Financial Planning. What's more, he is now  a motivational speaker and preacher, and also director of "Life without Limbs," a non-profit organization.


Praveen Titus said...

How often I complain about issues whihc seem so silly when compared to what Vujicic went through. A truly illuminating article!

Teena said...

Thank u praveen for sharing ur thoughts!!! Yes I agree, we complain about such silly things.....

pheonix said...

that was a nice post teena....Power of Positive thinking.Go on update some more